France By Locals

Travel less but better, more slowly while getting a change of scenery!
We’ll take care of planning your next adventure!

Did you know that a trip created by yourself requires on average 40 HOURS of research and comparison of offers on the internet? With no guarantee of finding the right local relays or finding alternatives in the event of a problem with your reservations!

Send us your travel plan or call us and we will build you the tailor-made itinerary of your desires!

We guarantee the security of your reservations, use a vast network of local partners…

The great staff !

Founder & CEO

My name is Simon HARDY and a few years ago I created a small travel agency specializing in Provence and the Alps: So Provence, So Alps!

My journey began a few decades ago as a child, then a young teenager in the Breton countryside. A lover of sport fishing and hiking on mountain holidays, I received inspiration from my parents to travel to France for a lifetime.

I studied techniques for preserving natural environments and their often conflicting relationships with humans. Then I had the chance to go and see other countries, in South-East Asia and Africa in particular, sometimes by going to work there for a while as a development worker. There I was able to experiment with various ways of seeing, of doing, of living, and ultimately understand that what pushed me to cross these boundaries came from a need to live unique immersive experiences, to meet, to share and to initiate.

It is undoubtedly between here and there, enriched by reflections with my future associates, that FRANCE BY LOCALS has its roots.

Upon returning to France, to Provence, at a time when we are witnessing an ecological-social crisis (in which, paradoxically, I participated) and the impact of tourism on my country as elsewhere, I am happy to share with my small team the “duty to make things happen”.

Sebastian Prino
Travel designer

My professional background has given me an in-depth understanding of the needs and expectations of travelers.

As a tour guide, I learned to read the nuances of different cultures and adapt my interactions accordingly. As a receptionist, customer satisfaction was my top priority, and as a travel agent, I perfected the art of creating tailor-made itineraries. Today, I am honored to put this experience and this energy at the service of France By Locals, with the mission of transforming each trip into an unparalleled adventure.

What sets our agency apart, beyond exotic destinations and tailor-made experiences, is our commitment to sustainability and responsible tourism. Every day, I strive to merge my passion for travel with a deep respect for our planet. We believe in creating memories that transcend geographic boundaries while preserving the integrity of local ecosystems. It is a delicate balance that I am committed to maintaining, aware that our footprint can leave a positive imprint.

Our History

Create tailor-made stays and experiences in France dedicated to individual French and foreign travelers

The idea of ​​a local travel agency dedicated to a region was born in 2015 in Nyons, in Drôme Provençale. Since its origins, the concept of So Provence, So Alps ! was to address local customers and deploy immersive and active short stays in the South-East of France.

Almost 10 years later, France By Locals is in the Old Port of Marseille and takes care of the entire France destination. With this same motivation: to travel less but better, more slowly while getting a change of scenery!

Our mission: to allow travelers to discover the richness and diversity of our country in a responsible and immersive way. We invite you to experience unforgettable moments of discovery, in harmony with the inhabitants and local traditions.

In our quest to create lasting memories, we are committed to promoting tourism that respects the environment and local cultures. Each stay designed by France By Locals is imbued with this responsible spirit, favoring accommodation and activities that enhance the natural and cultural heritage of our destinations.



Travel peacefully, travel happy...

A memorable trip!
Antoine Passavant

Thank you Simon for this unforgettable experience!!

Great trip, thank you!
Gaidon Michèle

Very good organization, very good choice of circuits and adaptation to the group and all this in conviviality and good humor!

A trip in mind ?
We are here for you !
+33 7 87 54 20 12